ICARE Social Media Post January 2024

Hereditary Cancer Genetic Testing Educational Video


Want to learn more about genetic testing for inherited cancer? We use patient stories to give information about testing, its possible value to individuals and their family, and ways to access resources to learn more about getting tested. Check out the video here: http://tinyurl.com/genetictestingvideo

To get free personalized information about hereditary cancer risk and testing, join our research study:
• for those already tested, we provide information about your results and care
• for those not yet tested, we provide guidance before testing

🔗 Visit https://redcap.link/TIPS to enroll online. After completing our questionnaires, you’ll receive:
🌳 an automatically generated drawing of your family tree
📊 a personalized inherited cancer risk assessment

Join us today, and empower yourself with free education and assessment about inherited cancer risk. Knowledge is your strongest ally in the battle against cancer. 💪

Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/post11724/