ICARE Social Media Post May 2024

New ASCO Guideline: Selection of Germline Testing Panels in Patients With Cancer

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) just released new guidelines for the selection of germline genetic testing panels in patients with cancer. Items addressed include ⤸

What elements are most important in the collection of family history?
🧬 Details of cancers in first- and second-degree relatives and the patient’s ethnicity.

When and how to use multigene panel testing when indicated?
🧬 When more than one gene is relevant based on personal and/or family history, multigene panel testing should be offered.

Which genes to test based on cancer type?
🧬 Table 1 outlines genes based on cancer type, including those more versus less strongly recommended.

Among those with tumor testing, which patients should be offered germline testing?
🧬 Any patient who meets criteria for germline genetic testing should be offered germline testing regardless of results from tumor testing.
🧬 Even those not meeting criteria based on personal or family history who have a mutation identified through tumor testing in a gene listed in Table 2 under the outlined circumstances should be offered germline testing.

Learn more by reading the full article at: https://ascopubs.org/doi/10.1200/JCO.24.00662

There is also a related clinical insights article available at: https://ascopubs.org/doi/full/10.1200/OP.24.00278

To stay updated, we encourage you to download the ASCO Guidelines app to easily access recommendations in the future.

Reference: Tung, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2024:JCO2400662. PMID: 38759122.

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