ICARE Newsletter Summer 2018

Refining Cancer Risks Among Individuals with Lynch Syndrome

Over the past year, multiple studies have refined risks and types of cancer among individuals with Lynch syndrome. Through a Scandinavian study, risks for 13 types of cancer (with colorectal cancers being excluded), were reported to be elevated with differences related to gender, age, and the gene in which mutation was present. Incidence rates of cancer peaked by age as follows: between age 30-49, ovarian cancer; between age 50-69, endometrial, breast, renal cell and brain cancers; after age 70, urothelial, small bowel, stomach, pancreatic cancer and skin tumors. This is yet another study that may eventually be used to individualize cancer risk management among patients.

Therkildsen C, et al. Br J Cancer. 2017 Nov 21. PMID: 29065108.

Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/5nls2018/