ICARE Social Media Post October 2020

Addition of Veliparib to Carboplatin/Paclitaxel in Previously Treated Patients With BRCA-Mutated Advanced Breast Cancer

Among BRCA carriers with metastatic breast cancer, the combination of veliparib AND chemotherapy with platinum-based agents (carboplatin) and taxanes (paclitaxel) led to a longer duration of progression free survival (disease that did not progress), compared to those treated with ONLY chemotherapy.

To read the full article visit: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(20)30447-2/fulltext
[This finding was previously outlined last year based on the ESMO 2019’s BROCADE3 abstract; however, the full article was not published until recently]

Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/post100620/