Tool for Inherited Cancer Predisposition Counseling and Testing Study (TIPS)
Who can participate?
English-speaking adults who are interested in learning more about their inherited cancer risk. If you have already had genetic testing for inherited cancer and want more information about your results or you want information and guidance before choosing to have genetic testing, participate in the TIPS study to receive free online education and a personalized assessment for inherited cancer risk!
What does participation involve?
- You may enroll directly online or a healthcare provider may refer you using the following link:
- After consenting, you will be asked to watch a 12-minute interactive video about inherited cancer and answer a few questions to make sure the information in the video was clear. If not, there is an option to review the content.
- You will then be asked to complete additional questions about personal and family history, which we use to automatically draw and provide you with a copy of your family tree.
- A personalized assessment about testing and care will then be sent to you and your listed healthcare provider (if applicable). Incomplete surveys will result in an incomplete assessment.
Interested in participating?
Join the TIPS study!