ICARE Social Media Post August 2020

Inherited Prostate Cancer Risk

Over 600,000 men age 40 and older who were part of a family with at least three consecutive generations affected with prostate cancer were studied from the Utah Population Database. Findings from this study showed that:

  • 36,000 had prostate cancer (5.9%)
  • 2,500 had early-onset disease (7%)
  • 4,000 had lethal disease (11.1%)
  • 15,000 had clinically significant disease (41.8%)

Investigators concluded: “In this large, population-based, family database, the risk of [prostate cancer] varied by cancer [family history] and was most strongly associated with [early-onset] disease. These results are critically valuable in understanding and targeting high-risk populations that would benefit from genetic screening and enhanced surveillance.”

Check out the original article at: https://ascopubs.org/doi/full/10.1200/JCO.19.02808

Check out the ASCO’s post about this article at: https://www.ascopost.com/news/april-2020/effect-of-familial-and-hereditary-cancer-syndromes-on-risk-of-prostate-cancer/

Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/post81420/