Our team’s newly published study among young Black women with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) found that: These findings underscore how TNBC subtypes may be used as prognostic biomarkers across populations. 📖 Read the full article here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41523-025-00731-0 Reference: Rajagopal, et al. npj Breast Cancer 11, 28 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41523-025-00731-0
Tag: Triple Negative
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ICARE Social Media Post January 2025
West African Genetic Ancestry and Breast Cancer Outcomes Among Black Women
ICARE Social Media Post January 2025
West African Genetic Ancestry and Breast Cancer Outcomes Among Black Women
Our team’s newly published study among young Black women with breast cancer found that: These findings underscore the need to go beyond self-reported race and consider genetic ancestry and social determinants of health in order to improve survival outcomes for Black women with breast cancer. 📖 Read the full article here: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2827614 Reference: Reid, et …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/post11325/
ICARE Social Media Post November 2020
Clinical Trial Participation Powers Patient’s Positive Attitude
ICARE Social Media Post November 2020
Clinical Trial Participation Powers Patient’s Positive Attitude
Brooke Thomas has leaned on 12 years of experience as a medical social worker and found ways to stay positive and upbeat through it all – and she has a lot to be positive about these days, thanks to an amazing response to her treatment as part of a clinical trial at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/post110620/
ICARE Social Media Post June 2020
Advances in Treatment for BRCA-Mutated Triple Negative Breast Cancer
ICARE Social Media Post June 2020
Advances in Treatment for BRCA-Mutated Triple Negative Breast Cancer
In a study of 914 women with different breast cancer subtypes, overall pathologic complete response rates were: Higher in those with BRCA1/2 mutations (60.4% versus 46.7%) No differences were seen in those with mutations in other inherited cancer genes Among patients with triple-negative breast cancer, BRCA1/2 mutations had highest response rates to treatment in both …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/post61920/
ICARE Social Media Post February 2020
Characteristics and Patterns of Spread for BRCA-associated Breast Cancers
ICARE Social Media Post February 2020
Characteristics and Patterns of Spread for BRCA-associated Breast Cancers
BRCA1/2 have distinct characteristics and patterns of spread. A recent study evaluated the characteristics of BRCA1/2 carriers and found that 73% ofBRCA1-associated breast cancers were triple negative; and 72% of BRCA2-associated breast cancers were hormone receptor positive. There were also distinct pattern of spread of breast cancer, with BRCA1 carriers more likely to experience lung …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/post21320/
ICARE Social Media Post October 2019
Inherited Breast Cancer Among Latina Women
ICARE Social Media Post October 2019
Inherited Breast Cancer Among Latina Women
Latina women are at risk for inherited breast cancer: Breast cancer mortality rates are higher among Latina women compared to non-Hispanic White women. Latina women also have a higher prevalence of triple-negative breast cancer when compared to with non-Hispanic White women. Latina women are diagnosed with breast cancer at earlier ages, 56 years versus 63 …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/post102319/
ICARE Newsletter Summer 2019
Expansion of Criteria for BRCA1/2 Testing through the USPSTF
ICARE Newsletter Summer 2019
Expansion of Criteria for BRCA1/2 Testing through the USPSTF
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) came out with new genetic testing guidelines for the BRCA1/2 genes, which has garnered substantial media attention. This task force consists of a team of primary care and preventive medicine healthcare experts to lower the chance of a conflict of interest (which is also the reason that subspecialty …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/5nls2019/
ICARE Newsletter Winter 2018
Refining Risks and Outcomes of Breast Cancer in BRCA Carriers
ICARE Newsletter Winter 2018
Refining Risks and Outcomes of Breast Cancer in BRCA Carriers
In an effort to further study breast cancer risks among BRCA carriers, a recently published study compared breast cancer risks among those with and without a close family member (first-degree relative) with breast cancer.1 Findings showed that risk for breast cancer by age 80 was 60.8% in BRCA1 carriers and 63.1% among BRCA2 carriers, with …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/4nlw2018/
ICARE Newsletter Summer 2017
Community Spotlight
ICARE Newsletter Summer 2017
Community Spotlight
After a long rainy summer filled with doctor visits, I was finally diagnosed with triple-negative inflammatory breast cancer (TN IBC) at the age of 49. I completed treatment in June 2008 and was grateful to have a new phase to my vocabulary – NED, ‘no evidence of disease’. Since there was no cancer history in my …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/spotlightnls2017/
ICARE Newsletter Summer 2015
Breast Cancer Risks and Outcomes Among Women with a PALB2 Mutation
ICARE Newsletter Summer 2015
Breast Cancer Risks and Outcomes Among Women with a PALB2 Mutation
Through a recent study of over 12,000 Polish women with breast cancer, PALB2 mutations were detected in almost 1%. In this study, about one third of those with a PALB2 mutation had triple negative (lacking estrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptors) breast cancer and the average age at breast cancer diagnosis was 53.3 years. Breast tumors …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/3nls2015/
ICARE Newsletter Winter 2015
PALB2: A Third Important Gene for Inherited Breast Cancer
ICARE Newsletter Winter 2015
PALB2: A Third Important Gene for Inherited Breast Cancer
Following the publication of an important article in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in August 2014, germline PALB2 gene mutations were confirmed as the third most important gene for inherited breast cancer, following BRCA1 and BRCA2.1 PALB2 stands for “partner and localizer of BRCA2” and is located on chromosome 16. Studies suggest that PALB2 mutations …
Permanent link to this article: https://inheritedcancer.net/1nlw2015/