Date Range: 2023 (1) Spring

ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023

Community Spotlight

In 1997 when I was a junior in college, my mom called to let me know that my father had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Luckily for him, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing had recently started which resulted in early detection and subsequent prostatectomy. Due to his diagnosis and knowing prostate cancer is an inherited …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023

Ask the Expert

The below question was addressed by Ben Ho Park, MD, PhD, who is the Director of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology. If you have a question you would like addressed, please email the ICARE team at for consideration in future newsletters. Q: As …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023

Prostate Cancer Treatment Updates

A study to test niraparib (a PARP inhibitor) in males with metastatic prostate cancer showed that those with an inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 (BRCA) mutation lived longer on average compared to those without a BRCA mutation. Side effects from niraparib were similar to those previously reported with PARP inhibitors.1 Another PARP inhibitor trial tested an …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023
Breast Cancer Treatment Updates

Findings from a Phase II study to evaluate the use of talazoparib (a PARP inhibitor) in individuals with advanced PALB2-mutation breast cancer showed that it appeared effective in certain patients and appeared safe (with similar adverse events as those previously reported with this drug).1 There are several Phase II trials to evaluate PARP inhibitors in …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023
Breast Cancer Screening in Male BRCA1/2 Carriers

Generally, males with breast cancer present with advanced stage disease, thought to be due to a lack of screening. While data to determine performance of breast screening through mammograms for males at inherited risk is limited, recent studies suggest that the detection rate is similar or better than for females at general population risk.1,2,3 In …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023
Lynch Syndrome: Colorectal Cancer Risks Revisited

While there are higher cancer risks in BRCA mutation carriers starting in the mid-20s, a recent study focused on studying cancer risks in older females aged 50-75. Of the over 2000 females in the study, which included ICARE participants, 379 cancers were found between age 50 to 75 with risks of 49% in BRCA1 carriers …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023

Lynch Syndrome: Colorectal Cancer Risks Revisited

A study of 381 individuals with Lynch Syndrome in New Zealand (98 with Lynch Syndrome-associated variants in MLH1, 159 in MSH2, 103 in MSH6, and 21 in PMS2) found that risks for colorectal cancer were lower in MSH6 and PMS2 carriers, suggesting that it might be possible to spread out colonoscopy intervals for these individuals.1 …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023

Inherited Breast Cancer: Contralateral Breast Cancer Risks

While higher risks for contralateral breast cancer (CBC) have been known for BRCA1 and BRCA2, a newly published study demonstrated that the risk of CBC is also higher for female PALB2 and CHEK2 carriers; however, no elevated risks were found for ATM carriers (Table 1).1 This information is important to study, as it may be …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023

Melanoma Risk in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome

A recently published cohort study of 483 individuals with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) identified 113 skin cancers. The cumulative incidence of a diagnosis of any skin cancer was 36.3% by the age of 70. Specifically for melanoma, the median age at diagnosis was 42 with a 7-fold increased incidence (SIR 7.28, 95% CI 4.50-11.13) compared with …

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ICARE Newsletter Spring 2023

National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines Updates

Check out the full NCCN guidelines by creating a FREE account at Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, PancreaticJanuary 10th, 2023 (Version 2.2023) focused on male BRCA carriers:› Consider annual mammograms (particularly in BRCA2 carriers) starting at age 50 or 10 years before the earliest male breast cancer in the family (whichever comes first)February 13th, …

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